Update long time in coming.
I've been doing some painting here and there since last spring, but a lot of the projects were to get things ready for Adepticon. Looking at attending both the Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament and the Warmachine/Hordes Team Tournament with my fellow gamer FluffyBunny. As Adepticon is less than 10 weeks away now, and I still have a lot of painting to do, posts will be short, but I'll try to get some pictures up here. Fluff for the armies and group shots will be forthcoming as they're done. Currently none of these models are based... I'm not even sure how we're going to be basing the armies...
First, the infantry blocks of Stormvermin, Plague Monks, and Skaven Slaves.
And we also bring you, piloted by a Chaos Knight (from my team mate's army) the DOOMWHEEL!
Soon, more to come...