Looking back at some of the first pictures I had taken for this blog, many of them are just pretty shabby. Lighting was poor, the colors are not too accurate, and some have bad focus even. As I've gotten a bit better at correcting those issues over the past two years, I decided to start retaking some of the pictures with better camera settings, and with better post processing applied.
(If you want the technical specs, all of the models pictured today were photographed with a Canon Powershot S5IS in macro mode, 1/40 exposure time, f 4.0, no flash, light mode set to Tungsten. No flash was used, just 2 diffused compact florescent directional lamps at 90 degrees to each other.)
So here are 3 new Khador models finished for my commission work for Fluffy Bunny.
Manhunter |
The Butcher of Khardov |
Limited Edition Andrei Malakov |
And then we have some retakes of my Retribution of Scyrah Warcasters
Epic Vyros |
Issyria Sybil of Dawn |
Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper |
Adeptus Rahn |
Ravyn, Eternal Light |
Dawnlord Vyros |
And we have a bonus today! Had another friend over for a game today - Elves vs Trolls. At one point a single infiltrator charged Borka2 and was counter charged by 2 large and hungry dire trolls (Rok and an Earthborn).
This hero elf dodged all attacks, then epically did nothing to Borka.
(The elf was promptly eaten the next turn by Rok)