Did a little painting this past month, figured I'd post them up to share. First up we have some new members of the Retribution of Scyrah.
Thyron, Sword of Truth |
Thyron is the newest warcaster to join my elven ranks. Fairly fun to play, but gets murdered by anything with decent control or debuffs.
Houseguard Thane |
Making halberdiers faster since 2014, he finally gets a paint job.
House Shyeel Battle Mages |
My third unit of Battle Mages. (Not sure if I ever took photos of my second unit...) When I clearcoated these guys it was a little humid so their bases all frosted up. I'll see if I can clean that up in the coming weeks.
Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan |
Ok, the only two mercenaries that will work for the Retribution are Madelyn Corbeau, a Courtesan, and Master Holt, the personal bodyguard and confidant of Lady Aiyanna. So it appears the only humans the elves will tolerate at the ones they sleep with? Interesting...
Then we have some more undead that was painted up for my intended Halloween party for Super Dungeon Explore. Adding to the ranks of the Shallow Grave spawning points we have:
Bone Heads |
Dust Mages |
My ranks of undead are swelling. Mwuhahahaaha. Ha ha. Ha.