Adeptus Rahn
Houseguard Halberdiers (full) with UA and a Souless Escort
House Shyeel Battle Mages x2
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (min) with Eiryss3
House Shyeel Magister
I did not see the best cards passed to me for the list I took. I saw no melee buffs for my Halberds or Infiltrators. Just a couple of defensive spells, which didn't really fit into how I was trying to play. My spell list was as follows:
Arcane Shield
Spirit Fang
(will update when I get home and can look at the cards themselves that I brought back)
Round 1: Brandan's Skorne
Rasheth (tier 2)
Titan Sentry
Titan Gladiator
Paingiver Taskmaster
Slingers (max)
Gatorman Bokur & Shamblers
Beast Handlers (min)
Arcane Shield
Hex Blast
Spiney Growth - Gladiator
Repulsion - Sentry
Two days in a row I start out against Rasheth. This list had Slingers and a Boker with Shamblers as screening units making it harder to get a lane to pull Rasheth up through. Turn 2 I had my Mittens pull up the Bronzeback and the Titan Sentry into charge range of the Halberds. Due to Arcane Shield I couldn't do much against the Sentry but I did manage to drop the Bronzeback. (This is where I realized I read Wraithbane incorrectly and it's not "unit/model" it's "model". Shit.)
On turn 3, he ran Rasheth over to the right zone to dominate it, and barely got the Gladiator slightly in front of him. I tried a circus style trick shot with Eiryss3 - charging at almost max range to catch a Slinger, killing it and using quick work to shoot the Gladiator that had put Spiney Growth on Rasheth. (not until after the game did I remember that only upkeeps get dropped, not animi) Sadly I was just about a half inch out of range of shooting the elephant.
I then used my Magister to push his Gladiator back 3 inches (I only needed 1 to get the opening) and then Rahn popped his feat, tossed a few spells in to start it off, and then the Mitten unit on that flank pulled Rasheth in for the kill. Record: 1-0
Round 2: Brandon's Legion
Ogrun Warspears (full)
Warspear Chieftain
Shepherd x2
Spell Martyr
Arcane Bolt
Burning ash
Bump - Scythean
Spiny Growth - Carnivean
I somewhat feel bad for this gentleman - he had never seen Retribution before, much less a Rahn list. He starts off by winning the roll to go first, and then deciding to pick his side and go second. I have no clue why he did this as neither side had that much of an advantage (both had a wall, obstruction in middle of everything - I guess maybe he didn't like the one woods on what ended up being my side of the table?)
I start off by running everything up as normal. He puts Spiny Growth up on Thagrosh, his Carnivean and the Scythean. All 3 are right next to each other having walked almost straight up with no cover and nothing in front of them...
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Thagrosh prepares to advance |
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The final charge. Thagrosh started the turn just toed into the left zone between the Carnivean and Spell Martyr. |
By this time Thagrosh is down to about 8 boxes of health left and no fury for transfers (and no beasts in range even if he had any fury left). One combined melee attack on a charge later and he's put down. Record: 2-0
Round 3: John's Cryx
Death Jack
Bane Knights (max)
Nyss Hunters (max)
Warwitch Siren
Chain Lightning
Arcane Shield
Paralytic Aura
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Start of turn 2 |
He and I both agreed - whoever won the roll to go first was probably in a much better postion than the other. We both roll 6's. Then I roll a 1 to his 6 on the reroll. Shit.
He runs everything up, I run everything up. His Nyss break to an abomination check from the Deathjack. His arcnode runs up near my front line, Scaverous feats, and 7 castings of Venom later I have 1 Halberdier, 5 Mittens, 2 Infiltrators, the Arcanist and the Pheonix left.
My Phoenix got Power Booster and charges the Deathjack, missing the charge and only doing about 16 damage total. I try to stall him out, and his Nyss fail to rally 2 turns in a row. At the end, if he can kill one of my last 2 Mittens on the hill he wins on scenario, if he doesn't, due to the Nyss failing to rally again Rahn could walk into range of Scaverous, feat, and throw 4 boosted pow 12's into him followed by the Mitten solo's fully boosted pow 12 while Scav is sitting on only 1 focus. However, he manages to roll exactly what he needs and takes the game. He then goes on to remain undefeated and win the entire event. If I remember correctly, he also made the top table in the Master's Finals on Sunday. My record: 2-1
Round 4: Derek's Menoth
Choir (min)
Errants (max) w/ UA
Razor Wind
Roots of the Earth
Boundless Charge
Time Bomb
Battle Lust
Signs & Portents
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So many effect markers that almost all say "You can't cast spells at this model" |
Spell hate out the wazoo. The book was sitting in the middle of the field chanting no knockdown, the choir was singing no spells on warjacks and his Exemplar Errants were covering the entire midfield giving my mittens the middle finger with their spell wards.
In this situation the Mittens had no choice but to go into melee mode and show some round ears what power gauntlets can do. Between the 2 units and the Infiltrators helping out they managed to drop about 2/3 of the Errants. The Reckoner finished off my Phoenix, and then was charged by 6 Halberdiers that did about 15 damage in a CMA before he made an Enliven move away.
While trying to clear the left zone to score and go up to 3 control points to my 2, the Devout had a tough choice to make. He had 1 focus on the Devout, and there was one last Mitten on that side of the table in the zone in charge range, with nothing else left to kill it that hadn't already activated. He could either use the focus to keep Harby immune to spells again, or go for the kill on the Mitten and get ahead on the CP game. If he did not get the dominate CPs, I would have been up 2-1 and would have scored 2 again on my turn with complete board control of my right side. Odds are he wouldn't win the CP race then. He uses the focus to charge and kill the Mitten going up to 3-2.
Rahn is now looking at Harbinger sitting on 2 focus, and able to be hit with spells. Rahn measures control area to all of the Errants he can see, finds one that is just barely in his charge range and goes in. Measuring Rahn's control before deciding to use beatback or not, he found himself within 12 inches of Harby to be able to target her with his feat extended spells, but outside of 10 inches for her holy aura to make it harder to hit her. Two feat boosted spells later Harby takes the dirt nap. Record: 3-1
Round 5: Fluffy Bunny's Khador
Beast 09
War dog
Winterguard Infantry (full) with UA
Winterguard Joe
Iron Fang Pikemen (full) with UA
Manhunter x2
Orin Midwinter
Iron Flesh
Arcane Bolt
Sigh. Playing against the army I just finished painting for Fluffy Bunny. Neither of us really cared too much, and once I wiped out all but 3 of his Ironfang Pikemen between the Phoenix Combusting, Infiltrators and one unit of Mittens, he really stopped caring. He ran Butcher up just to finish the game and let us pack up and get some rest for tomorrow. I had to shoot him with Eiryss, put 8 Halberdier charges into him, and still charge with 2 more Mittens before the scary man went away.
No pictures taken this round as he and I play each other enough as it is. If you want to see his army, all of it except for Beast 09 and Orin can be found elsewhere on this blog as I painted them for him. Record: 4-1
Sadly I didn't see a single melee buff which would have been great for either of my melee units. I also passed on at least 2 AoE spells which would have been very usefull in a few places. Then again, none of those would have helped me against Scaverous, as I just didn't have enough time to spread out before his sprays came in, and no way to stop his arcing.
My SoS turned out pretty good this event. Fluffy was 3-2, Derek went 4-1 I believe, John won the event at 5-0, and my first two opponents got at least a few more wins in each. This was enough to bump me up to 3rd place and I scored my first plaque of the weekend.
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