Friday, April 5, 2013

Catching up on pictures of minis.

Lots of new models to post up. Skaven are now done and ready to get based. (Extremely ambitious multi-level display base in the works.) And the Angry Elves get their first new unit with paint in almost 6 months.

First off the sneaky Gutter Runners. Custom sculpted slings. How does one poison a rock? Not sure how but they manage it.

Then we have the leaders of the army. Most likely leading from the rear of the Skavenslave unit, we have Peedor'at (named after my coworker Alex. It's a long story.) with the DOOM rocket. (custom built)

And the leader of the entire Skaven force, the mighty Plague Priest Skabbick. Body from an old Chaos Sorceror, head from a Plague Monk, arms from a plastic Warlock Engineer and Clanrat.

Last but not least we have the 100% scratch built Warp Lightning Cannon! Copper tubing and plasticard cannon body. Lolly sticks for the discharge barrels. Warpstone cast in translucent resin into a mold made from a rock candy sucker. Rat Ogre gunner sculpted by Justin "Halfsquatch." Hence the title: The Ratsquatch Cannon.

And as stated, the Angry Elves get their unit for the Chicago trip painted up. Already based, and looking for casters with armor 16 or less - the much feared Mage Hunter Strike Force. (The one in the back row, purple hair, is named Todd. And yes, it's a chick.)

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