Sunday, December 20, 2015

Privateer Press Secret Santa

Well, I didn't get all of the projects done that I wanted to send, but I at least got one extra model to mail off tomorrow.

My giftee asked for a Legion Shepherd. Well, what good is a shepherd without a sheep? They might try and fit in to a nativity scene for the holidays? Maybe not...

Legion Shepherd and "Sheep" (Shredder)

Rear view.
EDIT: And I'm finally getting around to posting this. Thank you Peacemaker44 for a festive take on the Coven.

Witch Coven of Gnarlygast

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Start of my 2015 Warmahordes Secret Santa shipment

Just posting this up so I can get this on the Privateer Press forums as a work in progress.

The beginning of the first model of my Secret Santa mailing. Hopefully if I can pick them up I'll be sending a few more than expected.

Identity obscured to maintain the surprise.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Warmachine elves and SDE undead

Did a little painting this past month, figured I'd post them up to share. First up we have some new members of the Retribution of Scyrah.

Thyron, Sword of Truth
Thyron is the newest warcaster to join my elven ranks. Fairly fun to play, but gets murdered by anything with decent control or debuffs.

Houseguard Thane
 Making halberdiers faster since 2014, he finally gets a paint job.

House Shyeel Battle Mages
My third unit of Battle Mages. (Not sure if I ever took photos of my second unit...) When I clearcoated these guys it was a little humid so their bases all frosted up. I'll see if I can clean that up in the coming weeks.

Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan
Ok, the only two mercenaries that will work for the Retribution are Madelyn Corbeau, a Courtesan, and Master Holt, the personal bodyguard and confidant of Lady Aiyanna. So it appears the only humans the elves will tolerate at the ones they sleep with? Interesting...

Then we have some more undead that was painted up for my intended Halloween party for Super Dungeon Explore. Adding to the ranks of the Shallow Grave spawning points we have:

Bone Heads

Dust Mages
My ranks of undead are swelling. Mwuhahahaaha. Ha ha. Ha.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Denny and her SDE Zombies

I have been doing some painting recently, so we have a bit of a larger update today. First up are the different zombies for the Stilt Town Zombies box for Super Dungeon Explore. I wasn't sure how to paint zombie skin so I tried a couple ways until I was happy with it.

Stilt Town Zombies - Pudges

These first models I basecoated the skin with P3 Ryn Flesh. Then washed twice with 1:4 P3 Thrall Flesh : water and then twice with 1:4 Vallejo Blue Violet : water. This was followed up with a liberal drybrush of 1:1 Ryn Flesh : GW Ushtabi Bone and then a little Ushtabi Bone for the top highlights. My ending thoughts with these guys are that they look a little too healthy even with the purple undertones to their skin.

Stilt Town Zombies - Swampies

For the Swampies I basecoated their skin with P3 Thrall Flesh to start out with a more unhealthy skin. They then got a liberal drybrush 1:1 Thrall Flesh / Ryn Flesh. Then with a light wash of 1:1:4 Vallejo blue violet : Vallejo dark blue : water. A final light drybrush of GW ushabti bone finished them off. I think this almost makes the skin look too much like a clean bone color, but with my bone for SDE being a much dirtier/browner looking bone this should work out.

Stilt Town Zombies - Homunculi

These guys got the same zombie flesh as the Swampies, with their outfits inspired by Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice. Gotta love 80's fashion.

Stilt Town Zombies - Shamble Priest

Finally we have the leader of the zombies who I'm guessing isn't a zombie at all, just a witch doctor. The white jacket with black hat and gray pants was inspired by Baron Samedi from Live and Let Die. This is my first attempt at chibi eyes and I think I made them too small. I might have to go back and redo them. The two houses he's with are the spawn points for the group. They must be clown houses if all those zombies can fit inside of them...

Stilt Town Zombies

And here we see all of them together as my first pair of painted spawn points. Yay! That's two of five spawn points ready for the goal of a fully painted Halloween game in October.

Last but not least we have my first painted warcaster for Cryx - prime Deneghra. I'm pretty happy with how she turned out, though I almost wish I did the cloak a little bit brighter of pink. Will play around with that shading on future models.

Prime Deneghra - Cryx Warcaster

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hyperion number 2

Not the greatest picture (I still haven't figured out exactly how to get good lighting and focus at the same time on one of these guys), but here's the second of my two colossals.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

SDE, Junior Elf and the last of the Khador

Just tossing up a few random models from the last 2 months. Haven't painted much but I'm starting to feel like getting the brushes going again. I'll most likely need to do my second colossal before the 25th for the next Madison 6 Pack event for an odd tier list I'm thinking of. But for now, here's what I've painted the last few weeks:

Super Dungeon Explore Ser Snapjaw
 This is my first hero/mini boss model I've tried for Super Dungeon Explore. I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, and I'm looking forward to painting more of these chibi style models. Painting with a completely revised (and more pastel) palette is entertaining.

Then we have our Junior Warcaster for the Retribution. This was the LE model from the Kickstarter. Probably one of the most expensive humanoid models I've bought as I haven't played the game more than 20 minutes or so, so this is all I really have to show for that Kickstarter...

Ironfang Kovnik
And then we have the Ironfang Kovnik for Fluffybunny, which finishes the pieces I was doing for him on commission. Between the Kovnik and Elara I have my 5 points for last month's Tale of Warmahordes post, so I've only had to use one Get out of Painting Free card in the first 6 months of the year. I might just make it to the end.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cryx Test Paint Scheme

Not much painting has been going on this month. Pretty much the post-Adepticon painting burnout has hit as expected. I did start playing around with paint schemes though, and after a few attempts I think I have something I like for the upcoming Cryx army I'm going to piece together. Instead of the standard green necrotite glow, I'm going to go for a pink glow. Just looks better in my opinion, and I've always wanted to paint an army with pink as a main color.

Defiler Bonejack

Friday, April 3, 2015

Adepticon Speed Machine

  Speedmachine. The event that I had hoped I would have had to drop out of to play in the Master's Finals, but alas, such was not the fate for my elves. Instead we do come to the 25 point, 20 minute deathclock craziness that is Speedmachine.
  Every army list that I see online for Speedmachine is pretty much the same - practically mangled metal with a few solos, or some other variant of low model count armies. If you don't have much time, have fewer models to move to conserve the time you do have. It makes sense, but it also sets up for people like me to play a list like I did.

Adeptus Rahn
House Shyeel Battle Mages x2
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (min) with Eiryss3
House Shyeel Magister x2
Mage Hunter Assassin

  The basic idea is to use the Chimera with free focus from the Arcanist to get up deep, TK with Rahn to make a hole and them the Mittens do their thing. Infiltrators are in to jam if needed, E3 to strip focus/fury if they're camping, and the Mage Hunter Assassin is for the finisher if needed. If my opponent has just a few models, that's Rahn's dream come true.

I tried to take what photo's I could, but with the rounds being played very fast, and this being day 4 of the convention, I was just too tired to get pictures most rounds. I'm lucky I got 4/5 of my opponent's army lists photographed to remember what they were playing.

Round 1 Bryan's Legion


Bryan had a good idea - he cast Fortify on Zuriel and then moved up with both his Scythean and Abby base to base with him and Abby behind both so I couldn't see her. This would have worked great to stop the Mittens pull shenanigans, if Rahn didn't have the Chimera run over and arc a couple of TK's into the front pair to make an opening. This is where Bryan learns "immune to being moved" does not cover place effects.

Abby's about to take a ride on the Mitten Express

  Needless to say, not even half of my army had to activate before Abby was shown the error of putting her faith in a dragon. (Non blighted elves ftw!)

Round 2 Justice's Circle

 Warpwolf Stalker x2
Bloodtrackers (max) w/UA

  I don't recall too many of the specifics of this game. His first turn he TK's both of his Warpwolves up and then moves on with activations, completely forgetting to move Krueger up. Krueger ends up charging or running turn 2 to get back into the game. The Bloodtrackers and Infiltrators mixed it up in the middle of the field, and the Bloodtrackers did better than I thought they would. (Conversations with Justice after the game talked me into looking at Bloodtrackers rather than Wolves as my first small based infantry unit for my slowly growing Circle force.)

  After our jamming units both spent most of their lives against each other, he uses Krueger's feat to push back a handful of models and maybe score a CP or two. However, if I'm within range of Krueger's feat, he's in range of me walking 3" and tossing a 12" range Force Bolt (and for my models not in his 14, even easier with the 6" walk). Rahn counter feats and Krueger gets grounded.

  A definite shout out to Justice for taking time after our match to discuss Circle model options with me. Due to the limited meta I play in, I don't really have anybody that plays Circle a lot that I could talk with to learn more about how different options play (and the forums can only get you so far). We talked about multiple infantry units, different beast options, how Standing Stones fare after the nerf, etc. It was really nice to find somebody willing to share their experiences on a one to one basis taking into account how my play style could work with Circle tactics.

Round 3 Josh's Skorne

 Molik Karn
Beast Handlers (min)

  Morghul on a hill, with Tiberion in front of him. Sigh. After a turn or two I finally get my Chimera in a position I can just barely get LoS to TK Morghul to the side of Tiberian. I then use the Mittens (needing 13's to hit I think? Stupid hill...) to pull Morghul up and to start beating on him. I sadly don't hit with enough shots and I only drop him down to 1 or 2 boxes left failing to kill him. Morghul goes ginsu on a lot of my Mittens and Infiltrators killing a good number, Molik Karn knocks enough out of the Chimera that the jack is pretty much worthless and his titans move up into jamming positions (though with a lot of buffs Tiberion is about 3/4 of an inch shy of catching Rahn.
  On my next turn the few Mittens I have left manage to roll the crit on 2d6 to knock Morghul down and then it's just a matter of time before the last couple shots finish him off. Record up to 3-0

Round 4 Jeremy's Minions (Thornfall)
(not 100% on the list, for some reason I don't have a pic of his sheet)

Dr Arkadius (Tier 4 I think?)
 Gorax x2
 War hog
 Razorboar x3
 Gunboar x2
Bonegrinders (min)

  Arkadius hides behind a wall with his two Goraxes flanking him. We both jockey for position, he feats to pretty much kill Eiryss3 and my infiltrators. I then follow that up by running the Chimera in to range of arcing TKs at Arkadius and Rahn trys to spin him around (hopefully moving him in front of the wall as well). At first I'm not 100% sure I want to go for this, as he's defense 19 behind the wall. I TK, boost to hit needing an 11, and miss. Buy another TK with boost, miss again. Grr. Now I'm just mad that I'm missing 3d6 shots at an 11. Screw this noise, we're doing it this turn or we're not doing it. I feat, toss one last TK, again missing. Shit.
  Well, I already tossed my feat out there, so might as well see if we can get lucky. I have the Mage Hunter Assassin just about 13 inches away from Arkadius if I need him but Def 17 behind that wall to a melee strike doesn't look good. Let's try the Mitten units. First unit walks up, first Force Bolt rolls 5-5-4. Crit knockdown. Can't pull him up in front of the wall, but it doesn't matter. Unless I roll triple 1's, all of my mittens now get to hit him. And all Mittens are within 18" so they're all throwing shots. I grind through all 5 or 6 of the fury he had on him and drop him with 2 or 3 Mittens and the Assassin still to go.
  This match puts me 4-0 and now there's only two of us left that are undefeated. On to my first final table at a national level convention! (Even if it was for a funsy event with only 20 or so players, let me have my moment.)

Round 5 Sam's Khador

 War Dog
Greylord Ternion
Ironfang Pikemen (max) with Black Dragon UA

  Well crap. Somebody else had a similar idea to me. If everybody is playing small model count armies, play something that does well against those. The problem here is his Ternions can make it so I can't see Butcher to pull my plan off, and the Ironfangs can mess up my Mittens pretty good.
  He wins the rolloff and takes the side with the trench right in the middle of his backfield, in a perfect location to hide Butcher. The Juggernaut and his two Argus Hounds that come with Butcher are screening him, with the Ternion cloud effects on those 3 in front hiding the Ternion and Butcher completely from my view. I try to jam out the IFP to get some control points and force Butcher to move up, but by time I do I've lost too many models to take a go at it.
  I know I played wrong in a few places here... I should have feated and used the Mittens to kill as many IFP as I could after sacrificing my Infiltrators to jam during their mini feat turn. If I had taken them out, I should have been able to use Eiryss to strip his camp off and then throw what Rahn and the Assassin could do in after. Instead when I took my shot Butcher was on a bit of a camp - enough that the Mittens only did 1 or 2 damage total to him, Eiryss was out of range due to Pikemen being in the way and their reach pushing her just out of 12 inches, and it all came down to a single attack by the Assassin. With the health he had left at this point, I needed to roll a 19 for damage on the charge attack (dice minus 9 for his base armor, double damage for Decapitation on the Assassin). Needing a 19 or higher on 4d6 is a 9.72% chance. I roll something like a 12 and do 6 or so damage. As that's all I have, Butcher gets to go, and applies Lola to Rahn's face.

Ending of the game, the tourament, and of Adepticon for me.

  Overall I think I had a good plan for the event. I probably should have swapped one of my Magisters for a second Mage Hunter Assassin, and played the final match a bit differently, but for this being my first convention that I played 4 events on back to back days, I can't complain too much. As Jeremy went 4-1, Sam was obviously 5-0, and my earlier opponents got a few more wins as well, I easily took 2nd on SoS and took my second plaque for the weekend.

  My ending record from the 19 matches I played over all four events puts me at 14-5 on the weekend. Not a bad showing for the angry elves (and druids) that I took with this year. Now to wait for Reckoning to come out, and see what I want to take to next year's Con.

Adepticon Spelldraft report

Spelldraft! A goofy format, but it looked like it might be fun. At first I was planning on bringing a Garryth list thinking that if he got any good spells he could support his army even better and have a feat that shuts down all the uber powered spells my opponents will have. However after a playtest or two with random spells, 6 focus just wasn't going to cut it in my opinion. So instead I go with a Rahn list. If I can get a 2 cost nuke, that's a lot of fully boosted spells on feat turn.

Adeptus Rahn
Houseguard Halberdiers (full) with UA and a Souless Escort
House Shyeel Battle Mages x2
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (min) with Eiryss3
House Shyeel Magister

I did not see the best cards passed to me for the list I took. I saw no melee buffs for my Halberds or Infiltrators. Just a couple of defensive spells, which didn't really fit into how I was trying to play. My spell list was as follows:

Arcane Shield
Spirit Fang
(will update when I get home and can look at the cards themselves that I brought back)

Round 1: Brandan's Skorne

Rasheth (tier 2)
 Titan Sentry
 Titan Gladiator
Paingiver Taskmaster
Slingers (max)
Gatorman Bokur & Shamblers
Beast Handlers (min)

Arcane Shield
Hex Blast
Spiney Growth - Gladiator
Repulsion -  Sentry

  Two days in a row I start out against Rasheth. This list had Slingers and a Boker with Shamblers as screening units making it harder to get a lane to pull Rasheth up through. Turn 2 I had my Mittens pull up the Bronzeback and the Titan Sentry into charge range of the Halberds. Due to Arcane Shield I couldn't do much against the Sentry but I did manage to drop the Bronzeback. (This is where I realized I read Wraithbane incorrectly and it's not "unit/model" it's "model". Shit.)
  On turn 3, he ran Rasheth over to the right zone to dominate it, and barely got the Gladiator slightly in front of him. I tried a circus style trick shot with Eiryss3 - charging at almost max range to catch a Slinger, killing it and using quick work to shoot the Gladiator that had put Spiney Growth on Rasheth. (not until after the game did I remember that only upkeeps get dropped, not animi) Sadly I was just about a half inch out of range of shooting the elephant.
  I then used my Magister to push his Gladiator back 3 inches (I only needed 1 to get the opening) and then Rahn popped his feat, tossed a few spells in to start it off, and then the Mitten unit on that flank pulled Rasheth in for the kill. Record: 1-0

Round 2: Brandon's Legion

Ogrun Warspears (full)
Warspear Chieftain
Shepherd x2
Spell Martyr

Arcane Bolt
Burning ash
Bump - Scythean
Spiny Growth - Carnivean

  I somewhat feel bad for this gentleman - he had never seen Retribution before, much less a Rahn list. He starts off by winning the roll to go first, and then deciding to pick his side and go second. I have no clue why he did this as neither side had that much of an advantage (both had a wall, obstruction in middle of everything - I guess maybe he didn't like the one woods on what ended up being my side of the table?)
  I start off by running everything up as normal. He puts Spiny Growth up on Thagrosh, his Carnivean and the Scythean. All 3 are right next to each other having walked almost straight up with no cover and nothing in front of them...

Thagrosh prepares to advance

  Mitten unit #1 pulls him up to my battle line, knocking him down on the third hit or so. My second unit on the opposite flank then pull him across the table to the middle, about 4 inches in front of my entire Halberd unit.

The final charge. Thagrosh started the turn just toed into the left zone between the Carnivean and Spell Martyr.

  By this time Thagrosh is down to about 8 boxes of health left and no fury for transfers (and no beasts in range even if he had any fury left). One combined melee attack on a charge later and he's put down. Record: 2-0

Round 3: John's Cryx

 Death Jack
Bane Knights (max)
Nyss Hunters (max)
Warwitch Siren

Chain Lightning
Arcane Shield
Paralytic Aura

Start of turn 2

  He and I both agreed - whoever won the roll to go first was probably in a much better postion than the other. We both roll 6's. Then I roll a 1 to his 6 on the reroll. Shit.
  He runs everything up, I run everything up. His Nyss break to an abomination check from the Deathjack. His arcnode runs up near my front line, Scaverous feats, and 7 castings of Venom later I have 1 Halberdier, 5 Mittens, 2 Infiltrators, the Arcanist and the Pheonix left.
  My Phoenix got Power Booster and charges the Deathjack, missing the charge and only doing about 16 damage total. I try to stall him out, and his Nyss fail to rally 2 turns in a row. At the end, if he can kill one of my last 2 Mittens on the hill he wins on scenario, if he doesn't, due to the Nyss failing to rally again Rahn could walk into range of Scaverous, feat, and throw 4 boosted pow 12's into him followed by the Mitten solo's fully boosted pow 12 while Scav is sitting on only 1 focus. However, he manages to roll exactly what he needs and takes the game. He then goes on to remain undefeated and win the entire event. If I remember correctly, he also made the top table in the Master's Finals on Sunday. My record: 2-1

Round 4: Derek's Menoth

Choir (min)
Errants (max) w/ UA

Razor Wind
Roots of the Earth
Boundless Charge
Time Bomb
Battle Lust
Signs & Portents

So many effect markers that almost all say "You can't cast spells at this model"

  Spell hate out the wazoo. The book was sitting in the middle of the field chanting no knockdown, the choir was singing no spells on warjacks and his Exemplar Errants were covering the entire midfield giving my mittens the middle finger with their spell wards.
  In this situation the Mittens had no choice but to go into melee mode and show some round ears what power gauntlets can do. Between the 2 units and the Infiltrators helping out they managed to drop about 2/3 of the Errants. The Reckoner finished off my Phoenix, and then was charged by 6 Halberdiers that did about 15 damage in a CMA before he made an Enliven move away.
  While trying to clear the left zone to score and go up to 3 control points to my 2, the Devout had a tough choice to make. He had 1 focus on the Devout, and there was one last Mitten on that side of the table in the zone in charge range, with nothing else left to kill it that hadn't already activated. He could either use the focus to keep Harby immune to spells again, or go for the kill on the Mitten and get ahead on the CP game. If he did not get the dominate CPs, I would have been up 2-1 and would have scored 2 again on my turn with complete board control of my right side. Odds are he wouldn't win the CP race then. He uses the focus to charge and kill the Mitten going up to 3-2.
  Rahn is now looking at Harbinger sitting on 2 focus, and able to be hit with spells. Rahn measures control area to all of the Errants he can see, finds one that is just barely in his charge range and goes in. Measuring Rahn's control before deciding to use beatback or not, he found himself within 12 inches of Harby to be able to target her with his feat extended spells, but outside of 10 inches for her holy aura to make it harder to hit her. Two feat boosted spells later Harby takes the dirt nap. Record: 3-1

Round 5: Fluffy Bunny's Khador

 Beast 09
 War dog
Winterguard Infantry (full) with UA
Winterguard Joe
Iron Fang Pikemen (full) with UA
Manhunter x2
Orin Midwinter

Iron Flesh
Arcane Bolt

  Sigh. Playing against the army I just finished painting for Fluffy Bunny. Neither of us really cared too much, and once I wiped out all but 3 of his Ironfang Pikemen between the Phoenix Combusting, Infiltrators and one unit of Mittens, he really stopped caring. He ran Butcher up just to finish the game and let us pack up and get some rest for tomorrow. I had to shoot him with Eiryss, put 8 Halberdier charges into him, and still charge with 2 more Mittens before the scary man went away.
  No pictures taken this round as he and I play each other enough as it is. If you want to see his army, all of it except for Beast 09 and Orin can be found elsewhere on this blog as I painted them for him. Record: 4-1

  Sadly I didn't see a single melee buff which would have been great for either of my melee units. I also passed on at least 2 AoE spells which would have been very usefull in a few places. Then again, none of those would have helped me against Scaverous, as I just didn't have enough time to spread out before his sprays came in, and no way to stop his arcing.
  My SoS turned out pretty good this event. Fluffy was 3-2, Derek went 4-1 I believe, John won the event at 5-0, and my first two opponents got at least a few more wins in each. This was enough to bump me up to 3rd place and I scored my first plaque of the weekend.

Adepticon Masters

  My first tourney report for Adepticon this year. I apologize for how long it took to get this written up, but I'm trying to do all 4 events at the same time, and this is a lot of matches and a lot of pictures to sort through to make sure I have it all down at least remotely accurately.

  According to the Pressgangers 144 signed up for the Masters event, 105 showed up. We played 4 rounds to get the cut to the top 8. Either 4 wins in a row, or 3 wins in a row followed by a loss and really good strength of schedule would be needed to advance.

The lists I took with me:

Adeptus Rahn
Dawnguard Sentinels (full) with UA
House Shyeel Battle Mages x2
Mage Hunter Infiltrators (min) with Eiryss3
House Shyeel Magister x2
Fane Knight Skereth Issyen
Arcanist x2

Ravyn, Eternal Light
 Sylys Wyshnylyr
Mage Hunter Strike Force (full) with UA
Dawnguard Invictors (full) with UA
Stormfall Archers
Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt
House Shyeel Artificer
Dawnguard Destor Thane

  My thought is to play Rahn as my primary list because with all the Issyria/Vyros2 that Ret players are taking these days I'm guessing not too many people will be expecting Mittens. The worst matchups I foresee for Rahn would be control casters like Haley2, Harbinger, eDenny and the like along with Menoth in general with all the anti magic they bring. As Ravyn normally has good game against a good number of those, she's in as my backup.
  There are a couple reasons why the Ravyn list looks a little different than the norm. I have a Hyperion, actually 2 if I ever get the second one painted, but in most instances the control casters I want to take Ravyn up against will have a Gorman, Time Bomb, etc to deal with one big target. So I wanted to diversify my threats a little more. Also, in my testing with double Stormfall and Discordia I was almost never able to take out all of the enemy infantry before they got to me with something. That's why the Invictors were in to do double duty as a countercharge unit, and Imperatus with his pocket Arcanist should make my opponent think twice before trying to jam with a fast heavy to block me up. That's the plan anyways.

Round 1: Vs Josh's Skorne

Rasheth (tier 4)
 Titan Sentry
 Titan Gladiator
 Basilisk Drake x2
Agonizer x2
Paingiver Taskmaster
Gatorman Posse (full)
Beasthandlers (min)
Bog Trog Ambushers
Swamp Gobbers

 Titan Gladiator
 Molik Karn
Ancestral Guardian x2
Tyrant Commander & Standard
Nihilators (full)
Cataphract Cetrati (full)
Venator Slingers (min)

The opposing Skorne horde

  Josh drops Rasheth against my Rahn list. I win first turn and do the normal everybody runs thing. He advances, puts Rasheth on a hill with a few models in front of him (Gladiator, Agonizer, Drake I think it was) and passes turn.
  Rahn walks forward, checks command area to know where all of his minions can advance to, and he pops his feat. Force Hammer knocks the titan away, then the Fane Knight clears the Drake. The first unit of Mittens pull Fatty up a little bit but fail to kill the agonizer so I can't get Rasheth into range of the sentinels. My 2nd unit of mittens are jammed up on my other flank and can't get into range, leaving Rasheth on 6 boxes when I have to pass turn.
  He tosses carnivore on a Titan then feats. I forget the exact order he did all of this, but he drops half my Sentinels, takes the arcnode off the Chimera and locks up my Phoenix with his Titan Sentry. His Drake sprays hitting my Sentinel UA but only does 4 damage so they still keep their vengeance for next turn as he has nothing left to use.
  Between their vengeance moves, a few TK's from Rahn and the remaining Mittens pulling Rasheth up towards them, 4 Sentinels have lanes to charge Rasheth and they drop him. I almost have a complete mental breakdown as I also charged his drake with 2 Sentinels - if I had killed the Drake, that would have been 3 more transfers from the fury reaved and I would not have been able to kill Rasheth. The only reason they fail to kill the Drake is that they are still under Rasheth's feat lowering their STR. I need to wake up more before going to these events - early morning rounds cause my brain to not work well. Current record:1-0

Round 2: Vs Marc's Cygnar

Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers w/UA
Tempest Blazers (max)

Tempest Gune Mage Pistoleers w/UA
Nyss Hunters (max)
Alexia & Risen

  He and I both know I'm going to play Ravyn. He doesn't want to play eHaley into it, and takes Siege as he can survive the Strike Force better with a much higher armor. Marc wins first turn and advances everything up to about the 16-18" mark or so. Looking at the table, it was pretty clear what to do - Ravyn casts snipe on the Strike Force, feats and walks up. Strike Force remove Arcane Gun Mages from the game, Stormfalls took out 4 of the Rangers, and my Invictors took out the last Rangers and then 3 Tempest Blazers with help from the Destor Thane.

The aftermath of turn 1.

  Turns 3 and 4 I take out his Stormwall and in the process lose almost all of my Invictors to some ground pounder attacks. While all of that was going on, Gorman black oiled Imperatus who was then Force Hammered back to almost outside the control zone (2" slam when 3" would have been enough to get him out) before the Destor Thane then charged and took out Gorman.

  My Eiryss2 was also charged by his Eiryss2 and started a stupidly long, rather futile slap fight. I would like to refer to this as the "Epic Eiryss Slap Fight 2015." 10's to hit, dice minus 6 for damage when they did hit (as all of the hits that were scored were with the POW 6 offhand weapons). Both of them got down to 1 box of health left, then Imperatus did a bosted attack to finish his Eiryss off. This gave me control of both points, and with Ravyn dominating the 2nd zone I go to win 5-0 on control points as Marc only has Siege, his Journeyman and Reinholdt left on the table. Record goes up to 2-0

Round 3: Vs Dan's Cryx

 Helldiver x2
Bane Knights (max) x3
Mechanithralls (max) x2
Mechanithralls (min)
Necrosurgeon x2
Machine Wraith

Denny2 (Body and Soul tier 4)
Warwitch Siren x2
Mechanithralls min w/ 3 Brute Thralls
Mechanithralls min w/ 3 Brute Thralls
Cephalyx Overlords x2
Cephalyx Mind Slaver (min)

  In my initial planning I figured that Rahn will probably have a hard time with eDenny so I drop Ravyn, and he does drop Denehgra. I go first moving up to about the 20" mark with Strike Force, others about 4" behind. Feat turn for Ravyn on turn 2 and I take out about half of his infantry. I however have somewhat poor target priority I think in retrospect and should have targeted his cephelyx models more.

Aftermath of Denny's feat turn. The Colossal wreck marker is standing in for the Kraken that didn't want to stand on the wonderful hills we had at the event.

  Denny feats back, and the sprays from the Cephelax just decimate my forces. I manage to score 2 control points by killing his objective and dominating the left flag, but he runs Denny to the back of the table (2" or so from the back edge) and keeps hiding. I keep tossing models into the zone to contest, but eventually I run out of models and even though Ravyn survives 3 melee hits from the Kraken as she's going back and forth killing everything she can, she's my last model left on the board and I lose 5-2 on control points when my oponent was down to 42 seconds left on his death clock.
  A very well fought game on his part, and me not knowing what his stuff did enough to know who to target out during Ravyn's feat gives him the close win. If I had targeted the Cephelax I might have had a chance to attrition out against the mechanithralls and the Kraken, but I didn't, and as always in Warmahordes, if you don't know what something does, odds are it will kill you. I wished Dan good luck winning his last game and I drop to a 2-1 record. (Unfortunately I heard he lost his last round so he didn't make top 8)

Round 4: Vs Cordell's Legion

 Scythean x2
 Raek x2
 Shredder x2
Forsaken x2
Strider Blightblades

 Ravagore x3
 2 Point model in battlegroup I can't make out, possibly starts with an F?
Forsaken x2
Shepard x2

  I really expected him to play eLylyth and destroy me as I don't really have an anti Legion list (bad planning on my part), but he was thinking he had to go for control points in case his SoS pushed him into the tie breaks assuming he could win. I understand his logic, but he probably knows I'm going to play Rahn, and eAbby vs Rahn does not look like that good of a matchup for him in my mind.

Abby thinks she'll be safe from the Mittens if she's behind a wall. *giggle*

  On his feat turn he kills all of my Sentinels, the Infiltrators, the Fane Knight, Eiryss3, wrecks my Phoenix and leaves the Chimera on one box for his left arm. Ouch. He however leaves all of the Mittens alive. Yay! Rahn walks up to get a good angle, feats, TK's Abby to be 2 inches closer and facing backwards so the Mittens all get back strikes, then tosses some Chain Blasts into her to soften her up.
  The Mittens knock her down with the first Force Bolt, bounce her around a little just for fun, and after just the 2 Chain Blasts, 5 fully boosted Force Bolts and 2 Whip Snaps Abby takes the dirt nap.

  My record goes up to 3-1, but my Tie breaks are fairly weak on SoS. As of the start of round 4 my opponents had 1, 2 and 3 wins respectively. My 3rd round opponent lost in round 4, but my first 2 opponents both won putting me up to a total of 8 SoS points. There were many people though that went 3-0 then lost in final round and had over a dozen SoS points each, so I'm pushed down to 21st place when all is said and done. Just barely in the top 20%, but I'm ok with that for this being my first national level Masters event.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Super Dungeon Explore!

Well, Adepticon is over (and battle reports are still in progress - 19 matches over 4 days will take some time to sort out and make readable) so it's time to start other projects again. While at Adepticon I found out that my initial shipment from the kickstarter for Sodapop Miniature's game Super Dungeon Explore just got out of customers, and should be here within the next two weeks. As I had already picked up a Von Drakk Manor expansion for the game to play around with painting that style of miniature, I figured it was high time to get them out and get painting. So here are my first forays into painting chibi style minis.

My first four Rattlebones


I also managed to dig up a really crappy picture of the wardog I painted for Fluffy Bunny 2 days before we left for Adepticon. Nothing like being given last minute projects. I'll try to get a real picture later - this one was taken at Adepticon with terrible lighting and I don't even think the camera was in macro mode - but at least it gives a little bit of the idea of what he looks like. Also added is a last minute Maximus that Eric had me paint up in case he needed him.

Khador War Dog


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Final models for Adepticon finished

And the miniature painting binge 2015 has finished!

Last models for Adepticon have been finished, all models that needed to be have been based, all that's left now is to build the display base (have 7 days to do so) and pack everything up for the trip. My next post will probably be after the con with a report of how badly I did. But none the less, on to the pictures. (I retook the Imperatus pictures so that they wouldn't be so fuzzy.)

Forward Kommander Sorcha Kratikoff

Krueger the Stormwrath
Gallows Groves
Imperatus Character Warjack

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Painting BINGE!

Coming up on the final stretch now for Adepticon prep. Trying to paint as fast as I can without letting the quality suffer more than I can help, and I think I'm still holding up ok. After tonight I'm down to just 4 models left to paint for my expected army lists and Fluffy Bunny's commission work. But enough ramblings, on to the (in my opinion) pretty models!

Work in progress shot for "A Tale of Warmahordes" post on Privateer Press's forums.

A pair of Blackclad Wayfarers

Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen

Feral Warpwolf



Manhunter (Manhuntress?)

Winterguard Joe

For some reason Imperatus' picture came out a bit fuzzy on all 4 tries I took. I'll try to retake his snapshot later. And the Manhuntress pic was taken in "super macro" mode from about 2 inches away. All attempts at that mode in the past have turned out terrible, so I'm quite happy that pic came out well.

As far as paint jobs go, I was very happy with how Joe turned out (other than the red being a bit bright on his weapon accents), the Mannhuntress's face came out better than I expected, I still think all of the Circle Orboros models look a bit goofy (the bright jade armor probably doesn't help) and Imperatus is sort of done - he's done enough to count as painted, but when I get more time this summer to come back to models I want to try some freehand on him. Odds are I'll mess the freehand up and have to repaint him again, but hey, it's worth a try.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Febuary Tale of Warmahordes

Well, I didn't get done as much as I had hoped for this month. I still have a Feral Warpwolf, 2 Blackclads, an Ironfang Kovnik and epic Sorcha sitting on the painting desk all over 70% done. However, 70% is less than 100%, so they don't get added in this month. I blame most of the slowdown on Fluffy Bunny, who gave me an entire Winterguard Infantry unit with unit attachment, rocketeers and Joe to paint. I managed all of that but Joe, and still finished a few other projects.

Winterguard Infantry

Ironfang Pikemen Unit Attachment


Kittens in Mittens (House Shyeel Battle Mages)
The green jaspetite jade look I was going for on Megalith didn't work quite as I had hoped - it's too bright and yellow I think. After Adepticon I might try to rework the paint formula for it and repaint the circle models, I might not. We'll see how the color scheme clearcoats and looks on the tabletop first.