Saturday, March 7, 2015

Painting BINGE!

Coming up on the final stretch now for Adepticon prep. Trying to paint as fast as I can without letting the quality suffer more than I can help, and I think I'm still holding up ok. After tonight I'm down to just 4 models left to paint for my expected army lists and Fluffy Bunny's commission work. But enough ramblings, on to the (in my opinion) pretty models!

Work in progress shot for "A Tale of Warmahordes" post on Privateer Press's forums.

A pair of Blackclad Wayfarers

Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen

Feral Warpwolf



Manhunter (Manhuntress?)

Winterguard Joe

For some reason Imperatus' picture came out a bit fuzzy on all 4 tries I took. I'll try to retake his snapshot later. And the Manhuntress pic was taken in "super macro" mode from about 2 inches away. All attempts at that mode in the past have turned out terrible, so I'm quite happy that pic came out well.

As far as paint jobs go, I was very happy with how Joe turned out (other than the red being a bit bright on his weapon accents), the Mannhuntress's face came out better than I expected, I still think all of the Circle Orboros models look a bit goofy (the bright jade armor probably doesn't help) and Imperatus is sort of done - he's done enough to count as painted, but when I get more time this summer to come back to models I want to try some freehand on him. Odds are I'll mess the freehand up and have to repaint him again, but hey, it's worth a try.

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