Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Steamroller synopsis and some new Dawnguard

Went down to a 50 point Steamroller in New Berlin this past Saturday. Played some games with some fun people. Tested some lists out to see how they work against various things. Realized I don't really have a great answer in these 2 lists for eHaley/eDenny/other control casters. But before I get too far ahead of myself, the lists I took:

Dawnlord Vyros
  Sylys Wyshnalyrr
Dawnguard Sentinels (full) with UA
Houseguard Halberdiers (full) with UA
Arcanist x2

Issyria  (Tier 4)
Houseguard Halberdiers (full) with UA
Dawnguard Sentinels (full) with UA
Dawnguard Invictors (full) with (free) UA
Dawnguard Sentinels (min)
Houseguard Thane
Arcanist x2

The general idea was to take Issyria against most things. Either jam them out with speed (tier bonus gives me 2d6, pick one for going first so odds are I get to go first, and with +2 speed turn one I can get almost my entire army to the mid line before opponent even gets to move) or just outnumber/attrition them down. The Vyros list was designed to counter faster brick lists, or ranged assassination lists. (Vyros can camp at armor 27 against shooting)

Round 1: 

Scenario: Recon
Lylyth2 or Abby2 vs Vyros1

 Angelius x2
 Ravagore x2
 Naga Night Lurker
 Bolt Thrower
Shepard x2

An interesting take on Lyl2 - a lot of the staples but then with 2 Angels for armor piercing in melee. My first turn I put up mobility, IR on Hyperion, and Discordia imprints and runs up. Infantry on both flanks run up and spread out. He decides to pump everything into Hyperion to see if he can one round it. Moves Lyl2 up, boosts a pin cushion at it, and rolls 1-1-1. During the following half dozen shots, rolls 5 or less on 3 dice at least 3 times. Doesn't even take half of Hyperion's boxes. Both Angels then charge, dropping Hype to 16 boxes left. On my turn my Halberds take one of the Angels down, Sentinels damage the other and move up right in front of his line of beasts. Hype finishes off the second angel after getting 2 repairs from the Arcanists. Vyros camps most of his focus and runs towards the right flag with Discordia and the Aspis blocking line of sight to him.

Next turn he finishes off Hyperion, takes a handful of infantry down, but on my turn I'm able to jam his entire army up with infantry and Vyros camping on armor 25 is sitting on the right flag for dominate points. He kills a handful more infantry, but can't get out of the jam before I win on scenario 5-0.

Round 2:

Haley2 or Striker2 vs Issyria

Alison Jakes
Jr Warcaster
Black 13th
Stormblades with UA, 2 weapon attachments
2 Stormcallers
2 Stormblade Captains

I don't even remember what the scenario was for this one. I got to go first, and ran to the middle of the table. As I know that a lot of his infantry clear at range is only POW 10, I defensive line all of the Sentinels with IR on the full unit, and the Halberds are on a hill giving them defense 15 vs shooting. He tosses temporal acceleration on the Stormstrider, which proceeds to hit the Halberds on the hill on a 9 (killing 4 or 5) and then not only hitting one of the Sentinels, but rolling 10 or more to kill 3 of the 4 that it hit. His dice continue to be this hot and he just mows through my army over 2 turns (my forces not doing much turn 2 when he feats). By my turn 3 I'm left with a handful of Sentinels, 6 Invictors, the Chimera engaged on my right flank and Issyria. Long shot assasination attempt - Issyria moves up to middle of table and feats, casts a boosted blinding light on Haley and tags her. I get 5 of the Invictors on a hill with line of sight to Haley, 5 man CRA at POW 17 and drop her to 6 or 7 boxes left. My last 2 Sentinels in the full unit JUST clear a lane for the last Sentinel from the min unit to charge Haley. Due to the wall that she barely had part of her base behind, and set defense, I needed an 11 to hit her. With Issyria's feat that comes to just under a 20% chance to hit and most likely win. He misses. (Sidenote - the Haley2 player goes on to win the entire event)

Round 3:

Scenario: Outflank

Stryker3 or Constance Blaize vs Issyria

Stryker3 (Tier 4)
 Ol' Rowdy
Storm Lances (full)
Storm Lances (full)
Tempest Blazers (full)
Katherine Laddermore
Stormblade Captain

His Conny list was tier as well with a lot of infantry, I didn't think Vyros would be able to out attrition it. And if he picked Stryker, Issy should be able to eat him alive. He picks into the bad matchup and I win the roll to go first. Standard turn one I run up and take the entire midline across the table. He pokes a few Sentinels and Halbs off my front line, but leaves himself well inside my engagement range. Issyria feats turn 2, puts up crusader's call and the army goes to work. His Storm Lances on my left get dropped to 2 models along with Laddermore with them, the right side Lances lose 2 and 2 more drop to 1 box each, 2 Blazers drop as well. He slams back in on his turn, forgets to feat but doesn't really need it. He kills a bunch of Halberds and a couple Sentinels. My turn 3 vengeanced Sentinels finish off the Lances on that side before activating to kill Katherine, the Chimera runs to the back arc of the Stormclad so the Invictors can charge it with Flank: Faction Warjack in effect, and remaining Halberds keep pounding on his right flank finishing off one of the wounded Lances and the Houseguard thane taking the other. His Blazers move to stop Issyria from dominating the left side zone, but Phoenix clears them out. By time I win on scenario 5-0 all he has left are Stryker himself and Ol' Rowdy with no arms. I've lost half my full Sentinel unit, the min Sent unit, half the Halberds and about 4 Invictors. Pretty much what this army was designed to do.

If the event had ended at this point, I probably would have ended up in 3rd. My first round opponent was 2-1, 2nd round opponent was 3-0, and 3rd round was 1-2 giving me 6 wins for opponents on strength of schedule. Unfortunately the 2-0 that was paired down won, so there were still 2 undefeateds now at 3-0. My first and third round opponents were matched up against each other, so at best I get 1 more SoS win out of them. Between seeing that and figuring my tie breakers are taking a hit, and that I was just dead tired at this point (3 hours of sleep or so before the 3 hour drive to the venue), I made probably a rather large mistake in round 4 with which caster I went with.

Round 4:

Madhammer or McBain? vs Issyria

Durgan Madhammer
Steelhead Pikemen
ATGM plus UA
Nyss Hunters
Aiyanna and Holt
Master Gunner Dougal
Goblin Tinker

Again I don't recall what the scenario was - either this round or round 2 was Close Quarters - but it didn't really matter. I don't really know too well what a lot of the dwarf armies do. I know their colossal is stupid good for shooting with how good their AoEs are and long ranged at that. Knowing this I should have taken Vyros who has Disco for the imprint of "Immune to all AoE damage" but that would have required coherent thought at the moment. He also gets to go first rolling the 6 against my 2 and 4, so Issyria doesn't even get the speed boost on him. He moves everything up. I run everything up in the army, arc a blinding light onto his ATGM making them literally worthless for the game, expecting to lose my Chimera for that next turn to his Nyss Hunters in Melee. Issyria camps 3 and hides behind a wall where I think she's far enough back to be safe(ish). He goes, has Reinholdt reload Madhammer, uses one of his guys so that Madhammer can reroll scatter/distance on AoE's, feats, moves Madhammer up who then shoots a cluster bomb at Issyria, being about 3 inches short. He rolls direction 1, 2 inches, landing it right at her feet. Sigh. 4d6 damage from feat and boosting, even at dice minus 8 he does enough with the first 2 scatters that it drops Issy.

So I end the event 2-2 with one loss somewhat due to not having a good enough control caster matchup, and one loss possibly from missplay/wrong list picked (Not trying to take anything away from my opponents - they all were friendly, sportsmanlike and played their armies well). So probably back to the drawing board for what I will be taking to Masters at Adepticon.

Going to the event though, there was a door prize for if you have a fully painted list. So I did a crazy painting binge the week leading up to it, finished the Houseguard Halberdiers already posted, and finished my Dawnguard Invictor unit to full, painted a min unit of Sentinels, and finally finished my Sentinel Unit Attachment that has been headless for the past 4 years.

 Dawnguard Invictors (last 4 to make a full unit)

Dawnguard Sentinels (min) plus Unit Attachment

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