Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Meeplestock '17 and the beginning of GENCON prep

Long time no post. Lots of things going on, here's a short update.

The Central Wisconsin Iron Gamers (we REALLY need to come up with a better name) has finally managed to run our own Who's the Boss event. We had over 130 unique warcasters and warlocks represented. We're hoping within a year or two we can push to get 100% coverage as we pick up a few new players and models ourselves. Here's some pictures of building the Doomball -- our bingo cage used to draw the bingo balls out, each bingo ball with a 'caster's name on it.

Start with a $2.50 Walmart Bouncy Ball. Covered with layers of phonebook pages and glue to make the inner shell. Then start laying on the fiberglass fabric and resin.

Fully covered in fiberglass and resin.

Plotting out the hatch.

Hatch cut out, hinge and closing lock added, dowels added for spinning the ball.

Painted and Mounted on it's stand. The Doomball sadly had a cardboard hatch for it's first year as I didn't have time yet to make a proper one for it yet.

Cryx chicken jack sitting on top of the Doomball for scale.

Day of the event hits, we have myself and 6 players. Between the 7 of us we pulled together (if I counted correctly) 133 unique Warcasters and Warlocks.

 Pictures from the games show a few of the very random setups players had to contend with.

Ashlynn and her new Mercenaries

Kaya 2, Numen of Furrigenesis.

I knew Elara was a Cryx warcaster

Irusk was given a new pet by his Empress.

Go forth my zealots! Wait, I think I'm in the wrong church...

And to close out this post, I do plan on getting some painting done soon. In prep, these are the current "to do" list, all washed and ready for mold line cleaning and assembly. 2 months to Gencon. I'm hosed.

Can I paint all of this in a month?

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